Business Epics

Business Epics

For leaders who refuse to accept the status quo.

Most leaders know they’re meant for more. Maybe you’re one of them. You aspire to play your best game and build something special, something meaningful. Your company is much more than the average business…. It’s an expression of who you are and the impact you long to make!

But with so many competing priorities clamoring for your time and attention, your personal growth and development often take a back seat. You try to do the best you can with what you have, but deep down you know there are gaps in your leadership. These deficiencies are limiting your results and impacting your organization in a negative way.

You know you should be investing more in your leadership development, but where do you find the time when it’s already in very short supply? So in spite of your best intentions, you’re not growing like you need to, and you risk getting stuck in a rut going nowhere fast.

Business Epics was created for leaders just like you. These breakfast events focus on the best books that have shaped business and leadership in a significant way and how their genius can impact your life and the organization you lead.

Every month, like-minded leaders gather for a two-hour breakfast meeting that distils the core message of one of these “Business Epics”, and focuses on how you can apply that message to your unique situation.

You will get to know other leaders who are on a similar journey. You will learn the next practices that are changing the face of business. And you will leave with clear action steps you will take to play your best game.

By now you know it’s time to take action and become the leader you’re meant to be.

Join us at our next Business Epics Breakfast Event and take your first steps…

What to Expect

At these events, you will…

  • Meet other like-minded leaders committed to personal and professional excellence.
  • Learn powerful leadership and business principles from highly influential authors, facilitated by our award-winning team of coaches. No need to read the book ahead of time!
  • Discuss these “next practices” in a roundtable format to determine how they apply to your life and business.
  • Develop an action plan that you can implement right away in order to build the organization you have always dreamed of.
  • Enjoy a delicious continental breakfast to fuel the rest of your day.

If you are ready to become the leader you know you’re meant to be, then join us at our next Business Epics Breakfast Event.